Peter Fogel’s 25 Persuasive Words to Transform Your Offer Into Killer Copy!

There’s no getting around it. Words are the fuel that move the masses and have them buy your product or service over and over again.

The right words, like the right fuel in your car — gives you better performance. Below are 25 gems that can be part of selling arsenal. Yes, you might have heard them before and seen them  in other promotions. And there’s a  reason for that: they work. No need to reinvent the wheel as they say — use these babies for optimal results.

Remarkable… shrewd… exploit…. reviewing… launching… imagination… hot property… growth… traces…. skill revisited…endurance… specialized…. liberated… bonanza… effective…dividends… willpower… under-priced… mainstream…late-breaking…focus… dividends…liberated… investigative…cost-shifting